Welcome to VITLAM.XYZ

A place for all things Vital

This is the place to know all about me, and all my projets

Let's go!


Here is my personnal blog also done with hugo .
A good place to have a contact link.

If you want to follow me, you can head over my blog

Hi, my name is Vital Lambrechts, and this is my personnal website. Born in 1974, I saw happening the beginning of the personnal computers. Stuck in front of a screen since my 6 years old.
My first computer was a commodore 64 back in 1982. That led me to learn the basics of programming with, well, the basic, and the “logo” programming thingie.
I was playing around a lot with a drum machine software (need to lookout for the name, if I remember correctly it’s an EA software!!)

Then my Dad brought back from work an Atari-ST1040F, where I played with cubase 1.0 and a midi synth. I also played a lot with GFA Raytrace and a 2D editing software on ST

I then bought an Amiga and played a lot with a little sampling card I bought for it, protraker and octamed.
Graphics wise, I used deluxepaint for 2D and imagine for 3d. Some Times passes and I buy my first PC, a pentium 233mhz with win 95. Then I upgraded to a pentium 333Mhz and then I build my first computer, a AMD K9

By that I as hired at RTBF. They had bought a new stock of 2000+ computers and needed some helpful hand to set them up, configure them, and place them at the user location. We were in 98 back then and I as playing all day with partition magic and norton ghost., We had a floppy that booted the client computer on the network, and applied an image depending of the users fonction. I learned a lot there, from how works networking in a big company and how to do an RJ45 cable, to UNIX command lines (the main servers were UNIX based.
I then decided to pursue my love of electronic music and build my home studio
Look out in my blog to find more about it

I learned about Linux first around 2007 at EPFC school, playing around with mandrake and debian. I fell in love instantly and one I discovered ubuntu, installed it in place of windows XP

With some back and forth from windows to linux, (I needed windows for my home-studio and for gaming, (it’s “almost” not even the case today with bitwig studio beiing cross platform and steam being natively available in linux with proton.))

I distro hopped a lot until I found out about Archlinux. I was always looking for a rolling realease distro, and looking for bleeding edge software. And then I found out about Manjaro. and here I am now.

My actual setup is a intel i7 8700k, 32Gb with a 1Tb samsung 970 NVMe. Running Linux mint as a base, running mainly libvirt and ZFS as services. I run a 2x5 disks stripe Zpool as a data disk and run VMS as my main OSs.

-One VM for the web dev, so it can connect to my github directly and have all the tutorials available (manjaro)
-One VM for windows, with GPU passthrough and a section of the zpool mounted as a Zvol directly into libvirt to run all the retro games of the world (win10)
-One VM for the day to day usage, mainly surfing the web, youtube etc (arcolinux)

And One virtalisation server to bind them all, and, in the darkness, control them…(linux mint, soon becoming manjaro)


Service 1

  • One thing
  • Another thing
  • And some more ...

Service 2

I am also able to do this.

Service 3

And this:

  • Sub service 1
  • Sub service 2


This section lists all the tags and categories found in the different projects. You can download here the latest version of my resume.




You can contact me via those methods.